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Der Buddha spricht jetzt
Narahari das schrieb am 11. März 2005 um 16:11 Uhr (513x gelesen):

Hare Krsna liebe Dechen,

Ich poste das doch lieber hier, weil ich denke das der eine oder andere einen Nutzen daraus ziehen kann.

Die Zitate sind aus einem Buch von einem Krsna-Devotee, Steven Rosen, der sich intensiv mit dem Buddhismus auseinandergesetzt hat,
es heißt " from nothingness to personhood".
Von diesem Buch hat ein bekannter Buddhist mit Namen Bodhi Santosh Roshi (von der Indo-American Zen Buddhist Society of New York)
folgendes gesagt:

"Rosen`s book invites us, as Buddhists, to re-examine our own tradition. If his research is accurate, it beckons us to be better Buddhists,
to look "within" and to discover the Absolte truth, the Adi Buddha, within our heart of hearts. It also asks us to look "without" - at the
vedic scriptures of ancient India. Here, we may unlock the mysteries of our own heritage."

Hier die Zitate:

aus Lankavatara Sutra (the Buddha directly), trans. by D.T. Suzuki (London Routledge, 1932)

" For the sake of love of purity, the boddhisattva, should refrain from eating flesh, which is born from semen, blood etc. For fear of
causing terror to living beings let the boddhisattva, who is disciplining himself to attain compassion, refrain from eating flesh.
It is not true that meat is proper food and permissable when the animal was not killed by himself, when he did not order to kill it,
when it was not specifically meant for him. Again, there may be some people in the future who being under the influence of the
taste of the meat will string together in various ways many sophisticated arguements to defend meat-eating, but meateating in any
form, in any manner, in any place is unconditionally and once and for all prohibited. Meat-eating I have not permitted anyone, I do not permit,
I will not permit."

aus Surangama Sutra (the Buddha directly), A Buddhist Bible, ed. Dwight Goddard (New York, Dutton 1952)

"The reason for practicing dhanya (meditation) and seeking to attain samadhi (perfection) is to escape from the suffering of life. But in
seeking to escape from suffering ourselfes, why should we inflict it upon others? Unless you can so control your minds that even the
thought of brutal unkindness and killing is abhorrent, you will never be able to escape from the bondage of the worlds life. After my
parinirvana (supreme enlightenment) in the final kalpa ("era") different kinds of ghosts will be encounterd everywhere deceiving people
and teaching them that they can eat meat and still attain enlightenment. How can a Bhikshu (seeker) who hopes to become a deliverer
of others, himself be living on the flesh of other sentient beeings."

Ich finde diese Aussagen ziemlich interessant und in völligem Einklang mit dem was die Vedas zu diesem Thema sagen.
Letzlich ist der Buddhismus ein Kind der Vedas, auch wenn er sich nicht zu seinem Vater/Mutter bekennt.
Das ganze Buch ist sehr tief geschrieben.


Narahari das

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