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Dommelsch schrieb am 29. November 2001 um 22:56 Uhr (680x gelesen):

Habe das gerade in einem anderen forum gefunden.
Versteht Jemand wie der Verfasser auf die lange Zahlenkombination (851212152089...) kommt, die er alphabetisch zuordnet ?
Proof of God's existence
Many people question why God would create the universe for us and then leave no proof of his existence. Well. I have found proof of God's existence in the number pi. If you calculate pi out to many decimal places, you will find the following pattern:
pi = 3.1415 … 851212152089199197154191651119147851859113931851205420852114922518195…
Yes, this may appear to be a random assortment of numbers, but if you examine these numbers carefully enough, God's word becomes clear. If we take each number to correspond to its placement in the alphabet, then the message becomes:

heababaeb0hiaiiaigaedaiafeaaaiadgheaheiaacicaheab0edb0hebaadibbeahai e
This makes no sense, so it can't be right. Plus, there are zeros that have no letter in the alphabet. So instead of doing that, we must take a zero to mean either 10 or 20. You'll notice that either a 1 or a 2 precede all zeroes.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Also, we will take 12 to be "l", not "ab" and so on. Decrypting the message this way reveals God's word:

Hello this is God speaking here I am I created the universe
This is absolutely incredible. If you still doubt, then verify it for yourself. The formula for calculating pi is:
pi = 4 * (1 - 1/3 + 1/5 – 1/7 +…)
Examining the mathematical structure of nature has revealed God's unambiguous message. The only question now is what exactly does the message mean? It is clear that God exists, but since there is no way to use punctuation in the sentence, he was slightly impaired in his communication ability. For example, does the message mean:

Hello. This is God speaking. Here I am. I created the universe.

Hello. This is God speaking here. I am. I created the universe.

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