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nur ein paar gedanken über die liebe,
Dechen schrieb am 3. November 2003 um 17:10 Uhr (550x gelesen):

In this world we express anger, hatred and all sorts of negative emotions much more perfectly than we express love, so let`s better concentrate on and realize love within our being........

Love is to give what we also would like to receive emotionally, materially for ourselves.
Love is to give lots of space and understanding, while listening to others „properly“ and "trying" to see through the other ones eyes, it is about respecting the other one.
Love is trying to give what the others really need and not exclusively what others want.
Love is to be happy when the other one is happy and to be sad when the other one is sad.
when you really love, you are not jealous at others.
You are happy for them, their happiness is your happiness.
Love is there to express and make the world more nice.
Love has a twinsister called compassion, meaning you don`t want that others suffer, neither friend nor enemy and do everything to help them.
Love is to feel love whatever happens good or bad, if meeting expectations or not
Love is to be happy even when standing there with empty hands.
Love is not attachment, as sign of attachment is that it hurts when you don`t get what you want.
Attachment can turn into negative emotions but true love will never turn into hatred and anger.
Love is not making differences between friend and enemy,it sees the essence of both and knows therefore that friend and enemy is just relative, depending on causes and conditions,
"in the heart" we should meet all equally.
Love , if that exists in your being , the feeling of anger and hatered won`t arise, you will also start to love your enemy and take him as your spiritual teacher....
Love is about forgiving the wrongs others did to you.
Love is to understand other weeknesses without judging while not forgetting that oneself is not perfect too.
Love is not about judging, not about the wish to change the other one ; it is about accepting and loving someone 100% as that person is, while thinking:" I love you because you exist".
Love can express itself the same time with sexual desire, but will never be the first thing, and it makes the transformation of the highest desire, called sexual desire, possible .This is called platonic love.
Love is the highest energy, everyday is springtime in the heart ,one has more power to do things
Love is to be free in mind and not being obsessed with thought about the other one, like when you are just falling in love.
Love makes us clear in the head but never drunken like when falling in love.
Love has enourmous healing power, it can lesson physical pain and remove bad experiences with others, it is prolonging life, as to love means to be all the time in the state of joy.
Love is the wish to get one with the other one, it is the wish to drop the "I", egoism.
Love is the wish to share good and bad, secrets, thoughts etc
Love has to be found first within oneself, just then you will be able to really love others.
First start with yourself, then expand it to all others.
Love develops to that extent in us to which we can love more and more people in a pure way.
Love brings you closer to the greatest mistery of all. You!

Love is a inherent quality within us we have to discover and train.
Love lives in the moment, in the heart there is no separation.

Love can never be expressed really with words, it is sth, which showes itself with time, through deeds.
It needs no language yet everybody can understand and feel.
Love in ultimate sence is not the reaction of the egoistic I


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