@Osiris & Co.
ich habe mit einer Mischung experementiert (Tryptophan, Dimethylaminoethanol(DMAE), Vitamin C, einige Vitamin B-Arten), die unter anderem nach diesen Erkentnissen zusammengestellt wurde:
Yes. During REM protein-synthesis is highly active, so your body needs high levels of amino
acids. The neurotransmitter in use during REM is Acetylcholine. It is made from the B-vitamin
Choline and the vitamin B-5.
But there are more vitamins that can make us dream more. The body can synthesis the B-vitamin
Choline. But in order to do that it needs vitamin B-12, Folic acid (B-9), the amino acids
Methionine and Serine. Vitamins B-12 plays a role in the activation of amino acids during
protein formation. It has also the ability to increase the production of Acetylcholine and
normalize neurotransmissions in the brain.
Vitamin B-6 is another important vitamin. It is a co-enzyme, which participates in over 60
enzymatic reactions involved in the metabolism of amino acids. It is involved in the production
of several body proteins and neurotransmitters. It is particularly indispensable to the action
of amino acid neurotransmitters, like Serotonin, Dopamine, Melatonin, and Norepinephrine, which
effect brain function. It is also involved in the metabolism of Selenium, Calcium, and
Melatonin is a neurotransmitter/hormone that is only active during sleep. It is being
metabolized when you fall asleep from Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is being metabolized
from the amino acid Tryptophan. Melatonin increases non-REM sleep and makes it easier for you
to fall asleep. But it has also an interesting rebound effect that gives more frequent and
vivid dreams. The vividness might even give you a lucid dream.
The Kava Kava root, a traditional drug from the Polynesian islands, is little known but highly
recommendable. It is said to take away stress and tension, very mildly tranquilizing while clearing
and sharpening thoughts. Also told to help dreaming, especially for lucid dreaming exercises.
From my own experience, it causes a deeper but shorter sleep with more intense dreams.
The amino acid Tryptophan can be metabolized into Serotonin and Niacin (B-3). Vitamin B-6
promotes this conversion. Taking Niacin or Nicotine patches will increase the Serotonin
production. The more Niacin you take, the more Serotonin is produced and more Melatonin is
metabolized. Calcium and Magnesium promotes Serotonin production as well. Zinc is in every cell
of the body and is a part of over 200 enzymes, so Zinc supplements may increase REM-sleep, too.
DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) is a very important B-vitamin. It flows easily through the brain's
blood barrier, where it is converted into Choline. During REM, Choline is added the coenzyme A
(Vitamin B-5), and we have Acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter in use during REM.
5-HTP (5-Hydroxy-TryptoPhan) is a Serotonin precursor that also flows quite easy through the
brain's blood barrier. It is a good alternative to Melatonin.
Vitamin C helps metabolizing several amino acids and hormones. It is also important to have
adequate levels of amino acids. A few important ones are Phenylalanine, Tyrosine, Methionine,
Cysteine, Serine and Tryptophan.
Diese Mischung sollte dafür sorgen, daß man mehr und intensiver träumt und dabei nicht so fest schläft und somit eine viel höhere Chance hat luzid zu werden.
Gleich beim ersten Versuch hatte ich Erfolg damit - in einer Nacht drei mal luzid geworden und eine Fast-OBE gehabt. Erfahrungsbericht hier:
Danach experementierte ich noch vier mal damit, aber leider ohne Erfolg. Hat hier jemand Erfahrungen damit? Irgendeine Idee, warum diese Mischung nicht effektiv wirkt?
Evtl. war das ein reiner Placebo-Effekt? Komisch ist nur, daß ich beim ersten mal recht skeptisch war und beim 2. dagegen mehr zuversichtlich und die Placebos eigentlich durch den Glauben wirken. Kennt jemand von euch eine bessere Mischung aus solchen legalen und für den Körper gesunden und wichtigen Mitteln?