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F2-->F3 Transition
tom schrieb am 23. Oktober 2005 um 17:53 Uhr (908x gelesen):
ok hier ist die Technik. Man sollte im kopf behalten das der witz des f-modells ist, dass alle Fokus am gleichen Ort existieren einzig unsere Ausrichtung entscheidet was wir wahrnehmen.
Also man ist in F2(OBE/LD) dann fokusiert man sich weg indem man den Blick unscharf stellt, so wie beim Magic Eye, man schaut absichtlich unscharf. nun sollten wenn alles gut läuft schwärze schlitze erscheinen in derTraumlandschaft. nun kann man sich vorsichtig in die schwärze (Fo) bewegen/zoomen. Die Traumlandschaft fällt nun vollständig weg und man befindet sich in der schwärze. Da solle man den konzentrierten gedanken generieren, dass man nach F3 wechseln will. Nun sollte irgend ein Tor oder ein Portal erscheinen durch das man nach F3 gehen kann.
Es i8st möglich, dass einem das eigen Bewusstsein täuscht und man durch das Tor wieder in F2 landet, doch mit einger Erfahrung sollen F2 und F3 klar zu unterscheiden sein
Îch hatte bereits einigen Erfolg. Wer es versucht bitte teilt mir eure Erfahrungen mit dieser Technik mit, Danke
Hier noch der Orginaltext:
What you are doing is transitioning from (phasing model) Focus 1 to Focus 2 of consciousness. The doorway (or something) that you objectively perceive is an objective representation of the underlying subjective shift in area of consciousness. Always bear in mind that it is possible to shift your perception in consciousness and to not actually change your area of consciousness. I keep stressing this point to people because this alone has caused an infinite number of difficulties in the interpreting of experiences for thousands of years, lol.
Each area or focus of attention can usually be identified by the sorts of actions that are being objectively perceived. Focus 2 is where most people do their dreaming. You say that once you have transitioned your experience is very lucid-dream like. Great, so this confirms your focus of attention is Focus 2 of consciousness.
So knowing where you are at in the general scheme of things you want to then make another transition. What you need to find, if you can, is the 3D blackness, or the Void as mystics tend to call it. This is the “border” between Focus 2 and Focus 3 of consciousness. You should be able to “see through” your dreamscape and intertwined with it will be a kind of aperture. Remember, the Focus areas are not places. When you mentioned this word, you put it in double quotes so it looks like you realise this already. But I’m stressing it again here for the benefit of anyone who hasn’t yet picked this up.
They are not places, they are focuses of attention. Not only that, these primary areas or focuses of attention are heavily intertwined with each other. So when you are “in” one area you are actually “in” all the areas at the same time. How can this be? Well, when formulating their models in the past, mystics have thought of different “layers” that are “separated” by “vibrating” at a different “frequency”. You can use this construct if you want to. It’s not strictly correct but as a model, in itself, it’s not too bad. The BIG problem, however, is that mystics also tend to wrap the whole thing up with all manner of other rather whacky constructs such as the notions of progressively “higher” levels with a requisite degree of “spiritual enlightenment” necessary for each. And so the model descends into the realms of fictional fantasy.
We now know that what “separates” the 4 primary areas of consciousness is not a frequency. What “separates” them is their Phase Relationship to each other. This is where the Phasing Model gets its name, of course.
So you need to “detune” your focus of attention from Focus 2. In a way, it’s like looking at one of those subliminal pictures that were all the rage a number of years ago. The ones where you apply a soft focus and the picture comes into view. Take the same idea and do this within Focus 2. What we are creating, in effect, is a highly controlled overlay experience. As you do this, you should start to see, like, slats with a blackness inbetween them. Imagine a large vertical Venetian blind that was in front of an identical Venetian blind. Each blind had a large picture painted over the slats. Imagine this picture being representative of you objectively viewing a focus area or focus of attention. Now fully close both blinds.
So now, you can see the whole picture of blind one and nothing of the picture painted on blind two behind it. Imagine the picture you can see now as your current dreamscape, i.e. Focus 2. Imagine the picture painted over the slats of the blind behind as Focus 3. Now slowly open the first blind and turn the slats through 45 degrees. At which point you can still see the picture but it’s broken up. Now the picture is interspersed with the picture on the slats of the blind behind it. The act of opening the blind is like “detuning” your focus of attention. This is what I mean when I say you should start to see “slats” with a blackness between them. You can still see your dreamscape but it is interspersed with the 3D-Blackness, which is the “border” between Focus 2 and Focus 3 of consciousness.
If you were to open the imaginary blind so the thin edge of each slat is now directly facing you, you would not be able to see the initial picture at all now. All you would see is the picture painted on the second blind, which takes up your full focus of attention.
Note: when this happens you don’t actually “travel” anywhere. You can if you want to. You can start “flying” around all over the place if you want to. But doing that just gets in the way of any kind of serious work. Now and again, it’s good to have a fly around. However, if you want to start making good inroads you must resist the urge to play around within Focus 2.
So “detune” your focus and when you see the slat-effect appear, keep your attention focused on the blackness between the slats. The slats should seem to turn wider open to the point where your previous dreamscape will fall away entirely. Now you will be standing on what feels like a precipice. It will feel like that “behind you” is where you have just “come from” and before you is the infamous Void, the bane of many a mystic, lol. But this is just the 3D-Blackness at Focus 21 of the Monroe model.
Okay, so now take a deep breath and mentally “step into” the blackness and just float around for a bit.
I want to mention here that you may miss this 3D Blackness stage entirely and transition to Focus 3 directly. This is what I do now. In which case when you see the slat-effect, interspersed between the slats of your dreamscape will be another scene rather than just blackness. So concentrate or focus on that scene and your dreamscape with fall away entirely and you’ll be within completely different circumstances. Yet you won’t have moved as much as a millimetre!
This can freak some people out so that’s why I advise you to plumb for the 3D Blackness at the “border” first, as it’s a familiar milepost that will give you the confidence to make the full transition.
The other thing you need to watch with a direct transition from this point is you may create a direct transition experience within Focus 2. In which case, you will think you have transitioned but you will still actually be within Focus 2. This can happen because you are within a highly fluid environment where thought equals action. Remember, it is perfectly possible to shift your perception in consciousness and not actually change your area of consciousness.
However, once you have a little experience of Focus 3 there is no way you could be fooled by your own creation of your ideas of Focus 3. But as a beginner, without an objective knowing of this area, you could possibly be led astray. The 3D-Blackness, however, is unmistakeable. You’ll know it when you get there as it’s a pretty awesome experience the first few times. The novelty does wear off though.
Now, assuming you are floating in the blackness. Think of making the transition to Focus 3. Make it a concentrated thought and hold that focus. As you do so, some change should take place. What you are looking for is some kind of portal to appear in the blackness. This could take many forms. With me, before I started making direct transitions, I’d typically get a bright point of light that kept getting closer, or I would “head towards” it. Then I’d find myself “travelling” down a narrow tunnel and I would emerge into F3. Anyhow, the portal you create could take any form, as each individual creates whatever objective representation of the underlying subjective action they feel is necessary. It’s not actually necessary at all. As I say, you can simply transition directly, but this is the more traditional Monroe/Moen-school way. And is the way I used to do it until, one day, I tried a direct transition and it worked. So that’s what I do now.
So whatever comes about in the blackness simply step through it, or travel down it, all in a manner of speaking, of course, as you are not actually travelling anywhere. What you are experiencing is an objective translation of the underlying subjective change in area of consciousness. If you directly transition from the slat-effect then you don’t get any of the typical 3D-Blackness portals and things like that. But do it whichever way you feel comfortable.
Later on, I would practice directly transitioning because that’s the key to reaching Focus 4.
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- F2-->F3 Transition ~ tom - 23.10.2005 17:53 (4)