The Etheric Webtext polished by Rich Snyder You can use the pictures or the text, if the author (A. Ballabene) and source is cited. |
In theosophic teaching the human astral aura is shaped like an egg surrounding the material body. This theory states that the aura is not diffused into space. Instead the aura has a well defined surface. This surface of the aura is elastic and if people are close together, the aura is compressed but does not mingle with the aura of the other.The surface of the aura is constituted with a special structure, the so called "etheric web". This is a web of filaments of denser astral and etheric material and observed by clairvoyants as a web formed of thin, light emanating cords.
The etheric web shields the individuals from intrusions and inhibits thought forms and earth bound spirits from entering the individuals domain. In psychicly weakened people this etheric web is thought to be damaged. The damaged parts are described by clairvoyances as black holes in the aura (the rest of the aura is seen as colored light). People with damaged etheric webs are in danger of becoming obsessed. Further on these persons are helplessly susceptible to emotions of others and suggestions of earth bound spirits. Compared to mediumistic people, the mechanisms of the way in which susceptibility works differs: In the case of mediumistic people, the sensitivity has its origin in the chakras, as opposed to the black holes of psychicly ill or unstable people. The chakras serve as ports for different inputs and outputs, besides other functions, and can be closed and opened at will.
Explanation to the picture: There is a theory stating that the etheric web may hinder the astral body from leaving the auric astral shell, while the individual is asleep. This hindrance is registered by the unconscious and expressed in dream symbols. Such dream symbols are f.y.i.:
Electric cables above the streets, which hinder the dreamer in his flying dream from getting higher and starting off.
Windows (very often roof windows), which hinder the dreamer, who is enclosed in halls or great corridors, from going outside.