
Ballabene's Astral Pages

Dream Symbols of Body Separation while Asleep

© copyright Alfred Ballabene

This article was first published in Charles Goodin's homepage

Disclaimer! Trance methods, meditations and OBE techniques can be dangerous for psycholabile persons and persons with psychological diseases. Further awakened inner forces can get out of control by peoples with great problems and uncontrolled fears. Any attempts to perform methods as described in these articles are done by own risk!

Considering, that OBE's are promoted by relaxation, you have best conditions for body separation in sleep.

A certain category of dream symbols and features of separation processes seem to be related to each other. In this article some typical dream symbols belonging to this category are listed and explained. Persons, who are trained in OBE's very often have such dream (-symbol-) experiences and sometimes become conscious and aware of the separation process, such verifying the interpretation of the dream symbols of this article. Previous articles on this topic are written by J. Puehringer 1) and Bob Lepak 5).

The following report of dream symbols relates to passive body separation type called "floating out of the body", see 2) and 3). The separation process of "floating out of the body" can be described as a vertical lifting of the subtle body. The upwards moving process stops somewhat later and the subtle body sways and rocks above the physical body (see animated gif: body separation by the floating-out method ). An theosophic theory postulates, that the subtle body is tied to the physical body by the silver cord (see Alfred Ballabene citation 4), hindered by the cord to move further away (this causes falling/lifting and rocking).

Phase of loosening:

The subtle body is dissociating about 1 to 3 cm above the physical body. As is postulated in theosophic theory this causes a higher level of dream experiences - the dreams are more colorful, emotional and of good 3D quality.

Phase of lifting and falling:

In this stage of subtle body separation, a frequent lifting and falling motion is registered. This can last for several minutes. After slow lifting a rapid falling - corresponding to the fact of being pulled back to the physical body - is registered and the impression is transformed to dream actions in which you feel youself falling down.

Examples of dream symbols for the phase of lifting:

Phase of swaying:

In this phase, after lifting motion has come to an end, the separation process of the subtle body has stabilised and the double floats above the physical body, swaying horizontally above the physical body.

Dream examples for the phase of swaying:

Symbols of the stage of swaying:
  • rolling with a boat
  • flying by aeroplane
  • skiing
  • rolling with a car
  • rolling cabin of a cable-car

Wind sensation:

Experiences very similar to the blow of wind are registered in a last phase before entering astral state. I am not quite sure how to explain these phenomena. I never have read a satisfactory theoretical approach on this kind of perception, though cool wind sensations often are reported in occultism.

Dream examples you can find in the previous part "Dream examples ad phase of swaying".


1)Josef Puehringer: former in Goodins Astral Homepage

2)Alfred Ballabene (here): OBE-methods based on relaxation with inner body awareness

3) Steve Aranyl Ritter: Your Journey Begins Here.. (HP no more existing)

5) Bob Lepak (here): Dreams as out-of-body-experiences

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