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Kundalini Arousal And Vibrations In OBE-ing(alfred.ballabene@univie.ac.at) Copyright © 1995, Alfred Ballabene, all rights reserved This article was first published in Charles Goodin's homepage |
Disclaimer! Trance methods, meditations and OBE techniques can be dangerous for psycholabile persons and persons with psychological diseases. Further awakened inner forces can get out of control by peoples with great problems and uncontrolled fears. Any attempts to perform methods as described in these articles are done by own risk! |
In Theosophy and Yoga vibrations are considered as a special form of kundalini manifestation.
According to a Hinduistic myth the god Shiva created the universe by
emanating the sound OM. In the saga the first stage of universe was a large
ocean. On the surface of this ocean consisting of the substance "supreme
consciousness" (Sanskrit: Chitta, personified as Shiva) this vibrational
force "OM" (personified as the female aspect, called Shakti) caused waves
(called Chittavrittis). These waves were the first traces of individual
form. By differentiation of these waves the diversity of forms and matter
of the universe originated. In the course of evolution of universe Shakti
descended to the lowest form of "vibration", the physical matter. This
state is associated with the lowest form of consciousness. In human body
this evolution is reproduced as descendence of Shakti (the inner power)
from the top of the head down the spine to the base of abdomen (Mulhadhara
Chakra), creating an awareness more and more linked to the physical matter.
This evolution of soul is thought to have happened in past aeons. In Theosophic
philosophy the evolution of soul is independent of the evolution of biological
life and the above mentioned first step evolved not in physical but in
subtle worlds. The aim of the Yogis is to elevate Shakti from chakra to
chakra by means of meditation, by sound exercises (Shabda Yoga) and energetic
exercises (Kundalini Yoga). Each chakra is characterized by a category
of sounds, by a special colour of inner light and by special forms of transcendental
awareness. In a certain respect the kind of subtle body separation depends
on the kind of activated chakra:
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accompanied by paranormal phenomena |
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In Theosophy and Yoga philosophy the activation of a higher located chakra is characterized by higher sounds. With higher chakra location frequencies are increasing: sounds become higher, and light is changing from red (Mulhadhara Chakra) to orange- yellow (Anahata Chakra) and to bluish white (Ajna Chakra). This statement goes conform with my own observations (in accordance with the chakra color observations of Leadbeater 2)).
The kundalini has three qualities which correspond to the three
shells (subtle bodies): etheric, astral, mental.
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Based on this philosophy in esoteric field the terminology "higher planes" and "higher vibrations" was established. The spiritual theory seems very mythological and unrealistic, but its practical implications work very well. This is why chakra meditations have become so popular in modern esoteric field. Because of the OM theory the above quoted philosophy declares vibrations and kundalini arousal as identically. Following I shall try to provide arguments supporting the assumption that vibration and kundalini arousal have to be considered as different phenomena, though both can occur simultaneously.
Between Kundalini Arousal And Vibrations - Personal Point Of View
Despite similar effects between kundalini arousal and vibrations (acoustic perceptions, energetization and warmth), both phenomena seem to be different. As I believe kundalini arousal and vibrations in OBE-ing can be distinguished by the kind of movement of etheric substance, in respect to the vertical axis of the human body, the spinal column. The vector of upwards moving etheric force can be:
Vector between 0 and
90 degrees to the vertical axis (more or less transversal waves): Kundalini
motion in the form of waves moving upwards at the backside. This most common
form of kundalini arousal is accompanied by acoustic perceptions, sensed
heat adjacent to the spine, very strong energy flow, euphorization, inner
light perception (mostly in gold and white) and is sometimes accompanied
by paranormal effects.
Vector of 90 degrees
to the axis (vibrations): There is no upward motion of force. The vibrations
are felt locally (f.i. breast) or in the whole body and are independent
of energy flow in the spine. Vibrations are sensed as frequently on front
side as on back side. Very often warmth is felt and sometimes acoustic
phenomena are perceived. The 90 degree vector is facilitating a loosening
of the etheric double. Practically only these vibrations are important
for OBE-ing.
Kundalini Experiences:
Kundalini experiences published so far tend to describe highlights like "cosmic consciousness". However, in most cases experiences are less divine, but nevertheless very interesting for basic understanding. Altogether a wide range of experiences can be made in waking state, as well as in trance or in sleep.
Some Notes Out Of Diaries:
Bal.: "In trance I had the inner sight of the Anahata Chakra (breast). It was a shallow whirl of energy and kundalini moved out of its center like a chain of small fire-balls, creating spirals in the whirl and finally spreading out over the body."
Bal.: "The past months, while awake, I frequently felt energy circling up and down my body; this happened spontaneously. I started with light-exercises on my Anahata Chakra. An emotion of cosmic love arose and I felt something like small inner flames, originating at my feet and moving upwards in spirals. Then the stream of the golden flames became vertical and my body was forced to bow forewards (in Yoga called kriya). Afterwards I felt strengthened and 'high'."
Vibrational Experiences
Examples see in the article: OBE Related Phenomena
Examples and Correspondence
...... I was
flying and when I realized I was dreaming I concentrated on the details on
the ground, it helped a bit but I felt an energy pulling me from behind. I
started to fight against it but the dream faded, I began to see white from
the morning light in the room and a blue electric energy all around me, I
felt this energy forcing my extremities into a certain position. When It
beat me I woke up and had my body in that exact positon, it was an
incredible fight......"
There are two mechanisms, which (they may mix) may provide you an OBE. In pure idealized description these two states are:
1) The hypoarousal state: near sleep state (deep relaxation, hypnagogic state, phases before and after a sleep phase). All LDs (lucid dreams) are based on this state and the greatest part of astral projections as well.
2) The hyperarousal state: this is a hyperactive energetic state, providing you OBEs which you even may have in a quasi full "day awake" state (ecstasy). The most obvious accompanying effect is the "Kundalini Arousal".
People who experience an OBE in the hyperarousal state, commonly don't set their experience in relation to OBEs but to mystic ecstasy. They call their kind of experience "mystic elevation", "vision of flight into the heaven" or similar expressions. For that reason their experiences are brought in mystic related sites but not in OBE sites. The basic power for this kind is called Kundalini. Kundalini can be awakened by very strong emotions combined with relaxed muscles (as you have it when the body is exhausted by long ritual dancing etc.). The same combination, however, you can have in a deep relaxed state with "awakening effects" like desire to meet a beloved deceased, by desire for an OBE, by concentration, by vivid imagination, by stillness of thoughts, by concentrated observation of body sensations. You see, there are several features, which are recommended in different OBE methods. The quality marks of the kundalini are: heat, sounds, vibrations (and commonly not observed in OBEing but well observed in Yoga: unwilling movements, forced by an inner power, in Yoga called Kriyas - I never would have mentioned the Kriyas in an OBE respond, as you did not have asked for this curious side effect). Unwilling Kriyas are mentioned for instance in the book of Swami Muktananda (I do not know the title at the moment, but I will let you know).
To your experiences:
"Energy coming in through my head" and especially "a blue electric energy all around me" this was the Kundalini
"Pulled back" - this was done by the Silver Cord
"energy forcing my extremities into a certain position" - Kriyas
"Concentrating" - a difficult task of balance is needed - too much awakening impulses breake the state and make you day awake, too less let you fall into common dream state. In every case avoid thinking and avoid attentive analytic concentration but instead try a kind of concentration which may be described as "intensifying the emotional impression of colors and forms" (let's say looking with wide eyes and not focusing too much).
1) Bentov, I. Micromotion of the body as a factor in the developement of the nervous system. in: Kundalini Evolution and Enlightment, page 316 - 339. Editor: White, J.; New York: Anchor Books, 1979
2) Leadbeater, C.W.: Chakras
3) Woodroffe, J. (Avalon, A.): The Garland of Letters (Varnamala); Madras: Ganesh and Co.
Alfred Ballabene (alfred.ballabene@univie.ac.at)
Copyright © 1995, Alfred Ballabene. All rights