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re[2]: Dr. Johanna Wagner

Jokke * schrieb am 10. April 2013 um 20:48 Uhr (2992x gelesen):

Be stronger than bad magic.
A collection of traditional african methods against witchcraft and sorcery

Today many Africans want to be modern and advanced. They often cut themselves off from their traditions and their traditional healers. Thus, when trouble arises they are unable to consult those experts who might be able to help them. Wagner offers a practical guide to defend against witchcraft and sorcery. Yet this book is much more than an antisorcery handbook. The problems which result from bad magic cannot be seperated from those which arise due to a crude, or too rapid acculturation. The psychsomatic symptoms following such an acculturation process are very similar to those caused by witchcraft and sorcery. The author also includes these sociological aspects as well as psychological causes for many typical social conflicts. This book teaches how to "diagnose" such symptoms, how to alleviate them, to defend against future attacks of witchcraft and finally, to bridge the gap between the traditional life-style and the modern way of life. On the whole this book is for many different people: those who need quick help against Bad Magic, those who are looking for a general survey of the value of traditional African concepts and those who want to adapt traditional African values to today's world.

....und noch eins in Deutsch......
Das Geheimnis des Medizinmanns.
Eine Frau lernt afrikanische Magie

In diesem Buch berichtet eine ungewöhnliche Frau über ihre außergewöhnlichen Erfahrungen mit afrikanischen Medizinmännern und bietet uns einen Einblick in eine Welt, die einem Europäer sonst verschlossen ist. Mit dem kühlen Blick einer Wissenschaftlerin beschriebt Dr. Wagner Phänomene, für die der westliche Verstand noch keine Erklärung weiß, Nach und nach lernt die Autorin, die Techniken selber anzuwenden und ihre Wirksamkeit selbst zu erfahren.


