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Wer ist gut in physik?
Qefx * schrieb am
25. Dezember 2006 um 23:57 Uhr (1211x gelesen):
mich würd doch jetzt mal interessieren ob ich richtig liege mit der formel?
u.hoch(-1) = (2*pi*1)(hoch-1)
u.hoch(-1) = 2(hoch-1) * pi(hoch-1) * 1(hoch-1)
u(hoch-1) = 0,5*0,31...*1
= 0,159
2pi(hoch-1) = 0,6366
2pi = 360grad = 100%e(Energy) 6,2
2pi(hoch-1) = -360 grad = -100 |= 0,63
60 sec. is a tick (new type) 60sec. = 2pi... full circle... = a tick
2pi = 360 grad
2pi(hoch-1) = -360 grad
2pi = m*c(hoch2)
2pi = Nm * c.hoch2
2pi = 100Nm *c.hoch2 |= 100Nm*100(m/s).hoch2
100Nm * 100 m.hoch2/s.hoch2
= 10.000Nm(m.hoch2/s.hoch2
= 10.000N/s.hoch2*m
= 10K N/(2pi).hoch2 = 10k N/t(tick)m
Well, ich nenn die formel: kleine zeit formel,
und unter stehen tut sie der OFL: fertig ist sie noch nicht ganz... sicherheits halber poste ich die mit... damit mir ja keiner groben unfug damit anstellt ^^
The Open- Firm- License
The primarytargets of: U-R-OFL:
Work for a higher wealth,
explore the universe,
Building a planet wide democracy
§1 OFL
§1.1: It is not allowed to copy or use concepts, ideas, source code, patents artwork, etc...
Except members and firms that accepted the U-R-OFL.
§1.2: It is not allowed to use the branding: OFL and U-R-OFL.
§1.3: The OFL is under the trademark of U-R, and U-R is under the trademark of the OFL.
§2 Finance
§2.1: It is not allowed to incur debts.
§2.2: It is not allowed to sell: concepts, ideas, source code, patents, or the firm itself.
§2.3: It is not allowed to own more money, as the firm is 1% worth.
§2.4: Every money flow, had to bee shown and search able over the web.
§3 Accepting the OFL
§3.1: If 80% of a firm accepts the OFL in a democratic way.
§3.2: If the firm owner accepts the U-R-OFL.
§3.3: If the shareholders accepts the U-R-OFL.
§4 Help
§4.1: It is allowed to break patents for a higher wealth.
§4.2: Helpers are only send to a land in peace.
§4.3: The helpers only help to build up: firms, schools, farms and streets under the U-R-OFL.
§4.3.1: Firms, farms and schools are directed in the first two years by 80% of the Helpers.
§4.3.2: Every year after the two years 10% of the firms, farms schools is exchanged by new Workers.
§5 The lesser OFL
§5.1: The software or patent may bee used freely, by everyone.
§5.2: As long the main patent or “source code” is freely available, for everyone.
§5.3: If the main object changes to commercial. The L-OFL changes to a commercial add-on.
§6 Bills and money
§6.1: Every incoming money had to bee posted on the bills site on the website. Freely available for everyone.
§6.2: Every outgoing money had to posted on the bills site on the website. Freely available for everyone.
§6.3: On the bills site, every bill had to posted as exact, and with as much information as possible.
§7 Planing
§7.1: The U-R- OFL had to work together with other firms as much as possible. To reduce work, money and time.
§8 Full Accepting
§8.1: 3 Million Persons have to accept the ofl.
§8.2: 3 Big firms have to accept the ofl.
§8.3: 3 Judges from 3 different states have to accept the ofl.
§8.4: 3 Presidents from 3 different states have to accept the ofl.
§9 Work and learning
§9.1 It is allowed to learn and work together.
§9.2 Persons who don´t work have to learn, to profit from the ofl.
§10 Integrating other firms
§10.1: If firms join the ofl, they have to accept the whole ofl rules.
§10.2: They may change there name to the equivalent U-R section.
§10.3: After 30 Years, they have to change there name in the U-R section name.
Danke für Ihre "Zeit" !
Beitrag ist archiviert
- Wer ist gut in physik? ~ Qefx * 25.12.2006 23:57 (11)