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re[11]: OBE Hilfe?
tom * schrieb am 12. Oktober 2009 um 6:49 Uhr (1677x gelesen):

Okay, hier mein Bericht von damals in englisch, try at your own risk!!!

I tried an experiment this morning (after reading the following in an other Forum (siehe Fussnote):

and I truly can say, I'm shocked! I never have experienced something like that before.

I had an LD this morning and decided to try the falling asleep within a Dream thing. So, I laid down on the floor (inside the dream) and withdraw my senses from the dream body, what then happened was absolutely scary!
I felt like 10000 Volt thru my body, very intense vibrations and then I got very powerfully ejected from my Body. Thats simply the best word I can find to describe it. I had a couple of OBE's before but this was different. I would guess that a NDE would feel like that and I can not imagine that it can feel more real then that! I simply know that I was OUT of my BODY completely, It felt very different to my normal OBE's or any LD's I ever had. Normally I kind of feel protected, like I know, Hey, I'm still laying in Bed and can end the experience any time, sometimes I might even feel my Body breathing or something, but not this time. I got very scared and tried to reach my Body immediately. usually when I focus on my Body I snap back to it very quickly but this time it took at least 15 sec. it was like my mind couldn't find my Body. I was whirling in some Blackness (Fz) for quite some time before I fortunately started to feel my Body again. I has several false awakenings after that. I'm still confused.
Chances that I just dreamed it are remote cause it felt more real then any dream I can remember. It actually felt more real then I feel now.
I had several OBE's in succession after the experience. maybe an energy excess?


5 Near death experience, active layer again, no or almost no delta waves..no brain waves at all, still full consciousnes and second body of pure light)

PasQuale asks:
How do you incubate a NDE? How do you know it is NDE? It sounds like you have NDE's like others have OBE's or is this theory? Or have you experienced it?

Jeff answers:

How i incubate a NDe mm the first time it was a selfhypnosis accident..
I had already learned my self that if i lay in a ld on bed or at the ground or couch i could desolve my dream body by letting it faal a sleep the same way like i do a wild with my real body in real life..
So when you wild in your lucid dreams the way i do a normal wild your dream body falls a sleep and desolves your real body also falls then in deep sleep and you also. You reach then the big black void or deep sleep!
But one time i was laying in my lucid dream and practising wild (funny isnt it wild practising in a lucid dream lol) ,my way to do wild is a mix from self hypnosis zen meditation and chakra breathing and focussing..i call it trance meditation..its much alike the classic yogi does it.
Well that one time i started with letting my left dream hand fall a sleep and i fell the nerves from my hand all the way in my brain..then i get a blitz idea..why not give my self the hypnotic suggestion (i was already under hypnosis) to let totally go of my whole brain..i did and what happend i call blitz NDE/OBE because it struck me like lightining so fast. I went down in deep sleep and through it in a second and reached the part where ppl talk about when they have nde in hospital..
in one sec through the deep black void i felt my body fallen a sleep like hell so strong and suddenly it was like a 10.000 watt bright neon lights were shining at my face and i had a second body of pure light there was nothing around me then bright neon white light..i heared an enormous buzzzzzz and it gelt my lungs where pulling out of my chest..the i saw a tunnel of white light and on the ohter side a world of beautiful nature and it radiated a warmth and love at me that i only had felt before..there my instinct was ringing like hell that if i would go a bit further i would loose control so i listend to my instinct as always ans started to focussing at my plexus solaris to stabelize that incredebile beyond deep sleep stage.
I couldnt control it from my head anymore..didnt work..from pure thougtless feeling from the plexus it took me half a minute to stabelize it and slowly went up to the deep sleep stagwe again and focussed at waking myself..i woke up from sleep and rushed to my pc next to my bed
and it showed i had been in a NDE below deep sleep almost no hz there a minute before i woke up..also it showed that i had come from a non rem stage to deep sleep to that sort of no hz (close to shutdown) NDE stage stayed there shortly and then moved up to deep sleep region again throug non rem sleep to wards waking and woke up..just as i had experienced it..
Was amazing..i still am working on it..my control gets better and so i can now move into the tunnel without loosing control. And weird enough you see a world at the other end of it.
Iam thinking of that to buy again a EEG machine of even better quality.
My head is already shaved again so conducting is easy ^^

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