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Danke für Antwort o.t
Shiva schrieb am 16. September 2004 um 12:36 Uhr (1005x gelesen):
> IAC scheint grob wissenschaftlich orientiert zu sein. (Grob, weil es sicherlich niemals von der Wissenschaft als wissenschaftlich anerkannt wird, aber das kenn' wir ja...)
> Soweit ich das absehen kann handelt es sich bei dem angebotenen Kurs wahrscheinlich um eine Werbeveranstaltung. Sicherlich wird sich die Organisation, die offensichtlich in Europa und den USA bereits mehrere Niederlassungen hat und mit der brazilianischen IICP zusammenarbeitet, (In Brazilien scheinen OBE's tatsächlich stärker anerkannt zu sein. Die IICP hat dort 12 Büros.) sich und ihre Aktivitäten näher vorstellen.
> Die Organisation bringt mehrere Bücher und Videos auf den Markt, keins davon scheint in deurtsch zu sein. Auch hat die Organisation keine Niederlassung in Deutschland.
> Hier eine Selbstdarstellung auf ihrer Website:
> The International Academy of Consciousness
> The International Academy of Consciousness (IAC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the scientific study of the consciousness (human essence, soul).
> The IAC offers courses to the general public and organizes debates and conferences on the researched subjects, disseminating a substantial body of information. The IAC also publishes books and scientific periodicals aimed at documenting and distributing its knowledge. Free introductory lectures are available at all IAC’s educational centers.
> The IAC is maintained through revenues generated from its own activities. As a non-profit organization, all income is re-invested in research and the further development of its existing services.
> It is a fundamental goal of the IAC to make accurate and personally verifiable information regarding human nature available to all those who seek it. Clarifying and de-mystifying psychic phenomena and the multidimensional nature of life through a scientific approach provides profound opportunity for individuals to catalyze the development of their self-awareness, balance and maturity.
> Courses and other educational activities run by the IAC around the world offer a combination of theoretical and practical training that embraces the entire range of human experience, providing participants with opportunities to enrich and deepen their understanding of life. Some of the subjects taught are psychism (psychic abilities), healing, paranormal phenomena, energies, the energetic body and personal energetic control, the out-of-body experience, synchronicities (more popularly known as karma), life purpose or task, the evolution of the consciousness, and all related matters.
> The information offered by the IAC is the cumulative result of decades of research and represents the consensus derived from innumerable individual experiences as well as current and historical investigations on the subject. Studies are conducted according to scientific principles, employing a paradigm that recognizes the existence of non-physical reality – a progressive and leading-edge non-materialistic approach.
> Central to the work and aims of the IAC is the principle embodied in the phrase: “Don’t believe in anything you hear. Experiment. Have your own experiences”. A sign depicting this message is posted in every one of the IAC's facilities and educational centers around the world.
> The IAC is an open organization that welcomes the participation of individuals who consider that their existential or life program involves working towards the advancement of the ideas and theoretical concepts embraced by conscientiology. At the time of writing, [April 2002], IAC has a staff of 93 volunteer researchers, instructors and administrators.
> Copyright © 1997-2002 International Academy of Consciousness
> All rights reserved
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