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re: Ein Gedicht in Esperanto?
Likos * schrieb am 15. März 2007 um 12:45 Uhr (1061x gelesen):

Dear Manni,

very breit grins,

i do understand you very well,

cause my cow is over´n fence gejumpt
und had dabei the benz gerammt...

and your esperanto is me not sausage.
I find´s very funny.

Grüße an Dich, lachend Likos

> There stay I old black man and sing
> and nobody let what for me spring.
> Total groggy, i can me not more out.
> All is now plem-plem, no doubt,
> and overall is abgegrast,
> by me is now Mathei on last,
> It must once said be:
> This pipapo hangs me
> meterlong to mouth
> raus.
> You behandle me as the last dreck:
> as hampel-man of society,
> as political hans-wurst,
> as complet idiot,
> as religious mama-kindl and
> as social soup-kasper!
> Always the Black
> are the beshittened1
> And the gelackmeierd!
> But it is not yet all day's evening
> and i let me no longer on the nose rumfuer!
> The white Doofes can me stolen be!
> They should them what shame!
> I shall them what whistle
> shall i.
> They give on like ten nacked negroes
> and speak egalweg from socialism,
> but when it on their money goes -
> then will nobody what know.
> Also nothing behind!
> Shit on boom!
> Know you, what yesterday a white man in uniform to my wife said?
> "Na how were it with us, little pupe?" said he
> I think i hear not right! Stell you so what for!
> Aller-hand, what?
> That call i a thing call i that.
> It must a pleasure be,
> them all teeth singular to break
> and them then in the gras bite let -
> heavenmastergodsacramentcrossdeviloncemore!
> With our-once can they it make ......
> .....thinkste!
> But they have themselfves burned!
> They can me cross-wise!
> This social bluff make i no longer with.
> I will pinke-pinke see
> or it passiers what ....
> And so i rate you in good:
> When you see how a black man sing,
> go not foreby
> and let what spring!
> vorgetragen von manni

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