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Jenny Randles

Jokke * schrieb am 13. April 2013 um 21:10 Uhr (2989x gelesen):

Jenny Randles

Supernatural Pennines

Since ancient times the moors and valleys within the Pennine hills have been fertile ground for strange phenomena. Supernatural Pennines relates over 100 of these inexplicable case histories which have come to light through regional surveys and in-depth examinations. We learn of the stretch of the Yorkshire/Lancashire border which has a record number of claims of alien abduction and where odd lights in the sky are so frequently observed that it is known as 'UFO Alley'. There are cases of poltergeist-inducing rain, incredible real life video recordings replaying past events, humming noises emerging from the ground, big cats roaming ghost-like through the peaks, ice bombs raining on houses from clear skies, mysterious burns to the skin, extinguishing of street lights and even flying dinosaurs. In Lancashire the magical aura of Pendle Hill is causing strange events four centuries after its infamous witches were arrested, whilst in the Derbyshire Peaks the flow of time itself is routinely interrupted. Often places where such phenomena abound are remote and inaccessible to scientific research. The Pennines are not and offer a unique opportunity to hunt, trap and perhaps one day harness the energy that triggers strange forces within its midst. Supernatural Pennines reveals the mysterious energy at work in this remarkable area and demonstrates that it is one of the most haunted places on earth.

Jenny Randles is a British author and former director of investigations with the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA), serving in that role from 1982 through to 1994.

The "Cumberland Spaceman"

Wladislav Raab meint...
"Fensterregion" John Keel konzipierte den Begriff in den 1960gern, in diesen soll sich die „Schnittstelle zwischen „unserer“ Welt und einer vermeintlichen „Anderswelt“ befinden, aus der „Besucher“ der verschiedensten Art zu uns kommen.
Orte mit einem hohen „paranormalen“ Gehalt haben oft merkwürdige, diabolische Namen, man kennt das Phänomen (Name Game) auch in den USA wo Areale in denen sich Bigfoot und Co. herumtreiben ebenso „betitelt“ sind. In den PENNINES verhält es sich ähnlich, man kennt dort etwa Devil's Punch Bowl / Devils Elbow usw. Gegenden die historisch „verrufen“ sind und heute mit „Phänomenen“ in Zusammenhang gebracht werden.



