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Jasu schrieb am 8. Dezember 2002 um 3:47 Uhr (431x gelesen):

Do not approach me, foam-born maid of madness:
Your shallow smile, it chills me to the bone.
What good did your gift ever bring but sadness
Or slavery, diguis'd as blissful gladness -
And in the end, we suffer all alone.

Don't let your son point arrows at my heartstrings:
He does not know what he is aiming at.
If he but knew how viciously his dart stings,
Or how much suff'ring from his fickle art springs -
He'd break his bow in consequence to that.

My soul was smouldered by your sacred fires:
The sorry remnants of an extinct light.
There's nothing left that sparkles and inspires
No love, no passion, no remote desires -
No golden sunrise in my endless night.

But now you touch me, urge me to remember
The tender mercy of your warm embrace:
Beneath the ashes lies a glowing ember
To lead me through the havoc of December -
And once again, I look upon your face.


P.S.: Ich habe es leider noch nicht geschafft, diese schöne Struktur auch in der deutschen Sprache beizubehalten. Aber falls jemand Interesse an einer Übersetzung hat, kann ich gern noch eine etwas freiere Version anfügen. :-)

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