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"Wie unten, so oben"
wicked schrieb am 26. Mai 2004 um 7:01 Uhr (410x gelesen):

Viele kennen ja diese "Regel". Aber ist es wirklich eine Regel? Robert Bruce ( www.astralpulse.com ) schreibt in seinem Artikel "White Light Shields" folgendes:

"Purity of spirit on its own does not offer any realistic measure of defense. The best way to illustrate this point I think is to cite my work with children. I have seen many children (even babies under 9 months of age) come under major psychic and demonic attacks. By large, most of these children lived in good homes, with loving, down to earth, clean-living parents; not drunks, druggies, occult dabblers or even NewAge type believers: your average healthy skeptics. In the early days I experimented a great deal using popularly accepted defensive measures, like visualized White Light et cetera, and found them virtually useless in field situations. Now while I have found some ways to help others (even children and babies) if purity in itself were an effective defense, then children would never come under any kind of psychic or demonic attack in the first place, i.e., children are pure, especially babies. But attacks like this are becoming extremely common today; far more common than anyone might imagine, or that I like to think about."

Wenn es stimmt was er sagt, wie ist es möglich das Kinder und Babies solchen Attacken ausgesetzt sein können? Kinder und Babies sind wohl innerlich kaum so verdorben, dass sie dementsprechende Wesenheiten nach der "Regel" anziehen können.

Wie seht ihr das?


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