Dear LexiLine Members,
I am writing this at 8:15 p.m. European time (Berlin) on Monday
September 16, i.e. one hour earlier than London and six hours time
difference to New York City.
In about 7 hours (i.e. at 3 here - at least on our televesion
screens), there will apparently be the first attempt to send a robot
camera through a hole drilled in stone in the Cheops
pyramid's "ventilation shaft" to see what is in the secret chamber
of the Cheops pyramid (see "Gantenbrink" on the internet for more
This could be one of the great sensations of history and science
- so do not miss it - although I do not know for sure if the actual
attempt for the robot camera to look inside the Secret Chamber is
live or is earlier in real time, so consult your local TV guides.